Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Breakfast - Doubles

"The Breakfast of Champions" Doubles

Doubles on a Saturday with Sweet Sauce.

I cannot write about local food without talking about the breakfast of champions. Any day of the week you need breakfast in a hurry Doubles is the best option. 

Doubles started in South Trinidad approximately around 1935. It became popular with Ali's Doubles. Doubles is considered a 'Sandwich' Two Barra and Curried Channa. You can add sweet sauce, pepper, slight, medium or heavy. Doubles has evolved to even include meat. 

It is available sometimes whole day in Trinidad and can be found almost at every other street corner. Every family may have their favourite doubles man and will only buy from him.

I highly recommend, if you are a foreigner to ensure on your visit to Trinidad you try Doubles. It is a must eat food.